a testimonial for Dr. Gillard's coaching


RE: Testimonial for Dr. Gillard

To Whom It May Concern:

In 2012, I suffered a severe injury to my lower back after simply drying off after a shower. The pain was so severe I ended up in hospital for eight days and was diagnosed with disc problems. I found the medical services left me very unsure and scared as there was little provided in the way of information and guidance at the level I required. Therefore, I turned to the Internet for answers and discovered Dr. Gillard's website – chirogeek.com.

I found Doug's website very informative: it is a one-stop shop with very up-to-date information. Without hesitation, I uploaded my MRIs via his tutorial and scheduled a coaching session, which was incredible.

With my permission, he created a webpage just for me that contained the pertinent images which he pulled off my scans, enabling me to view them as he explained his findings over a skype call. He had also drawn circles and arrows on the images to help me understand exactly what the problem was and it then all made sense with his explanations.  He provided the most in-depth review of the information and understood the pain and the anguish I was experiencing better than anyone. His explanations over Skype were extremely helpful. 
He ended the coaching session by providing a detailed plan-of-action designed to help me return to the life I once knew as quickly as possible while minimizing the chance of re-injury and a life of constant pain.

So if you have back pain that just won't let go and are confused and worried, I highly recommend Doug's services and I'm sure you will find his coaching session as helpful as I did.


Paul Anderton
Adelaide, South Australia
Personal Trainer and Natural bodybuilder: Amateur INBA (Masters);- Mr. Olympia 2007, 2nd;
Mr. Universe 2008, 3rd; Mr. Olympia 2009, 3rd; Mr. SA 2007, 1st