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A Trusted Place for Answers about Your Back & Leg Pain
Last Updated: 9/18/24

A Trusted Place for Answers about Your Back Pain

A Trusted Place for Answers


This disclaimer governs the use of this website, coaching sessions, and/or any e-mail questions that I may choose to respond to. Please read through the entire disclaimer and if you do not agree with these terms and conditions listed, then do not use this website or any services associated with it.

Please note that I have retired as a chiropractor in 2010 in order to attend medical school; therefore, I offer no medical/chiropractic opinions here or anywhere on this site. Any and all of my personal opinions / information here on this website are put forth on a nonprofessional, lay-person basis, which I happen to offer as a retired chiropractor with 23 year of past experience of treating and evaluating patients, as well as thousands of hours of research.

Any opinions, clinical information and/or research information that I provide at and/or within any e-mail or during any coaching sessions are strictly for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES and are not to be construed as medical advice or a professional service; furthermore, no doctor-patient relationship has been established between me and any web-viewers, web-questioners, or coaching clients.

Note: The information provided by me or my site or during the coaching session could NEVER replace a history and examination by a licensed health care professional(s) and is never intended to interfere with any doctor-patient relationship that you have already established elsewhere. So never disregard your doctor’s medical advice or modify his or her recommended medical / chiropractic treatment secondary to something you may have learned from me or my website or a coaching session.

Any opinions expressed are my own personal opinions and, again, are only intended to help educate the inquiree or visitor. All inquirees or visitors are strongly encouraged to do their own research, form their own conclusions and discuss these conclusions with their regular healthcare provider before acting! Any recommendations I do make should always be cleared with your primary health care provider before acting.

I have made every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information; however, the medical knowledge base is dynamic and errors can occur. By using the information contained herein, the viewer willingly assumes all risks in connection with such use. I shall not be held responsible for errors, omissions in information herein or liable for any special, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting, in whole or in part, from any viewer(s)' use of or reliance upon, this material and have no oblication to update this site.

By entering this site, you agree that you will not hold, Dr. Douglas Gillard, his current employer or any affiliates of the site liable for any actions you take based on the information gleened from this website. Furthermore, this website is to be used by adults ages 18 or older. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian while using this site.

For a medical or psychiatric emergency, please dial 911 or contact your healthcare provider immediately for instructions. Call the operator if you're outside the United States for assistance.

All material on is copyright protected and may NOT be used in any form without the expressed written permission of Douglas M. Gillard, DC. Any material that is not explicitly owned by Dr. Gillard is being used via the fair use doctrine, section 107 of the US copy law, in accordance with title 17, section 107.

Finally, medical knowledge is ever-changing. As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy may be required. The authors and editors of the material in have consulted sources believed to be reliable in efforts to provide information that is complete and in accord with the standards accepted at the time of publication. However, in view of the possibility of human error made by the au.thors, editors, or publishers of the work here in or changes in medical knowledge, neither the authors, editors, or publisher, nor any other party who has been involved in the preparation of this work, warrants that the information contained here in is in every respect accurate or complete, and they are not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from use of such information. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained here in with other sources. And never use information gleaned from this website, e-mail correspondence, and/or personal coaching sessions to override your doctor's recommendations are orders. It simply for educational purposes and you should discuss it with your physician before acting.

Inquiries for use may be made to the following .

Privacy Statement:

In accord with HIPAA, none of the information you provide me before, during, or after any communication with me, including your e-mail(s), phone numbers and/or address, will not be discussed or shared with anyone without your explicit written approval. With regard to coaching sessions, any MRI / CT / X-ray disks or films, or anything else that you provide me prior to our coaching session, will either be returned (see return policy above) or destroyed within 30 days.  Your private webpage that I often create from pertinent images from you scans will contain absolutely no identifying information (in other words, no one will know that these images are yours) and will be left up for your viewing for approximately 30 days unless you want to left up longer which I can do per your request. All payment is made through PayPal: please read their privacy/security statements if you have any questions about that (PayPal privacy).

Best regards,

Douglas M. Gillard, DC